Connecting with your Spirit Guides

We all have Spirit Guides, whether we are aware of them or not. Everyone that I have spoken to including my spiritual teachers, mentors, clients or even the books I have read by authors have had their own unique experience of connection.

My own first experience occurred through meditation when a voice came booming through and said, “Love yourself” which was a shock to my belief system, this experience took me on a journey of self-discovery and deep personal growth. Even now I am still learning and evolving with my own connection to Spirit Guides.

The most important thing I can share is that they’re always around you and waiting for you to ask for their help. You just simply have to ask for help. Help may not come the way you anticipate or at the time you expect, but rest assured they are there and will respond somehow. Once your connection is made “Your Spirit Guides always come from Love and Light” and will never interfere with your freewill. You always have the power to make your own decisions in the choices your make.

When giving readings, I see light beings around the person I am reading for and sometimes they will come closer if a person is open to them and I can receive clear channeled messages pertaining to their current situation or even future projections.

Spirit guides can be described as light beings, angelic, ascended masters, saints, your ancestors, a loved one that has passed. The names of these beings may come to me in readings or direct to you when you are ready, and you can ask and see what comes through for you.

Steps to Connectng with your Spirit Guides:

Find a quiet space

  1. Set clear intentions and state why you would like to connect with your Spirit Guide for eg guidance, protection or communication.

  2. Grounding yourself with a guided meditation is a great way to become centered (focused) to open you up to your Spirit Guide’s presence.

  3. Introduce yourself mentally or verbally and say that you would like to work with them

  4. It takes time and patience building a relationship with them even if you don’t sense them straight away.

  5. Always thank them for their presence and express your gratitude as this will strengthen your connection.

Signs that you are connecting to your Spirit Guide

  1. You will feel a sense of inner peace and calm, you may feel a warm presence that surrounds you.

  2. When meditating you might see colours, this happens especially at the beginning and as you practice your connection consistently, you will begin to images or symbols. This is where an understanding what it means personally for you really begins.

  3. You may get sudden insights or inspiration. You might suddenly have an idea or a solution to a problem pop into your thoughts from nowhere, which are not your thoughts but that of your Spirit Guide.

  4. You may feel guided to take specific actions which don’t make sense, this is the beginning of trusting your intuition and following the guidance. For example, you are guided to turn left instead of right to miss a traffic congestion due to a disruption.

  5. You may experience physical sensations which can include tingling, a sense of warmth, or pressure in isolated locations of your body.

The more gratitude you show for your connection with your Spirit Guides the more you are building a stronger relationship with them to be fully present with you at all times because they know they are welcome.

When we start to work with our Spirit Guides consistently, we learn to let go and trust. We begin to feel their presence and a knowingness and inner peacefulness starts to purvey in the choices and decisions we make, which leads us to the next step in co-creating with the outer world.

Finally, Spirit Guides can be one, many or may change from time to time, depending on where you are in the journey of life. You will begin to recognize when this happens as the grammar can change subtly. Personally, I often have just one guide at a time, but many can come through to communicate during readings.

Enjoy connecting with you Spirit Guides✨✨✨

Liljana 💜⭐


Manifesting With Intention 2025


Signs and Synchronicities