Signs and Synchronicities
Signs and Synchronicities for me are messages from the universe, a hug or a recognition that you are on the right path and supported by the universe.
The saying of the Scottish explorer W. H. Murray of “The Scottish Himalayan Expedition” tells us that when we take one small step in the direction of our desires and goals, watch all the doors open.
Sometimes this is easier said than done when we’re in our heads, because when we’re stressed, we miss messages and opportunities which can result in our belief systems stymieing our progress. This is where we need to slow down, breathe and release the mental clutter that often sometimes blurs the path we must take.
Signs come in many forms, in numbers like 111, 222, 333 or a sequence of the same number repeating every day or it could a repeating phrase in a song. The universe is asking us to pay attention and listen to our intuition. It could be trying to give you the lotto numbers in your dreams or that a significant event will play out on a particular day. I have found that when I trust these signs, my daily life begins to flow with ease, and I don’t worry about things I cannot control. There is a bigger picture evolving and everyone and everything is involved in part of the tapestry, and it is here to empower us all and that we really are all connected and not alone. That is also when the mind can step in and stops the flow. The more you trust these signs the more magic happens, and our goals and desires become more effortless.
A Sign coming to you is literally what happened to me recently I was sitting in the car waiting to go in the car park and there was this big neon sign and it said ‘Business is a wild ride’. It was Friday but I felt I was going to be needed to work and be ready. Sure, enough that weekend I was invited to a retreat to give individual readings.
A Synchronicity that played out for me was admiring my neighbour’s Garden, and she had these beautiful Birds of Paradise flowers and I wistfully thought I would really love them in vase look lovely on my table. The following weekend I was helping to pack up an Art exhibition and someone and asked would I like to take home a bunch of Birds of Paradise flowers. In amazement, I said “of course!”, very grateful, the message for me - be open to receive.
Stay present in the moment, ask for a sign it, wait for it, it will come when you are ready to receive the message.