Gratitude to Grace
I found one of the most profound ways to move through challenges is in the last two years practicing gratitude on a daily basis and journaling all the good things I am grateful.
From the smallest thing having a cup of coffee in the morning or listening to the birds sing.
What I found was there a no limits to anything that you can be grateful and when you use this exercise you perception begins to change about people, work, situations that use to bother me and I couldn't let go of begin to have less of a impact, I didn't react so strongly and there my energy wasn't focused on the past and I started being more present in my daily activities.
Some of the concepts I have embraced through gratitude.
🌿 So much of our cultural conditioning pulls us out of the present moment, striving for an ideal future. We find our completeness in the present moment.
🌿 Grateful thoughts don't just stay in your mind, they transmit into your cells and body to create new pathways and brain patterns.
🌿 Obstacles melt away when we look at our limiting beliefs which create outer resistance. Beliefs of entitlement, selfishness, or pessimism block the natural flow of gratitude and grace and flow of daily life
🌿 When we practice being gratitude, our perspective expands and see we are not alone. We are supported by the universe in endless ways, we see our negativity and sense of entitlement and all obstacles begin to dissolve.
🌿 You are a story that no one else can live, your reality is always personal, every experience is filtered by your beliefs and attitudes and your moods and emotions and when we begin to see this, our choices start to change as we are more aware of what true for us and own our story. A story that brings us into a state of grace
A wonderful quote from Joseph Campbell he says, the privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.
When you have reached a place of being open and alive, when you accept everyone as they are, when you a no longer in resistance. When you see beauty all around you, then you have manifested Grace. It's not easy but it is an empowering choice to not waste energy on things that are not your story.
Today list 5 things you are grateful for and keep a daily journal for one year and see what manifests for you. For me this practice has been transformational. I have a daily ritual of journaling all the moments I am grateful for which has brought be more inner peace, taken away the need to judge things good or bad, and to allow for more spaciousness and creativity in my daily activities.
Wishing you ease and grace in your day!
Liljana 💜