Channeling anyone?

My first foray into Channeling began when my husband and I bought a new age store in Cairns in 1994, before social media took off - connections were made in person with customers opening conversations about individuals that channeled entities like Seth, Bashar, Kyron, Neale Walsh (author of 'Conversations with God' ), some interesting and inspiring perspectives were shared about the finer details in channeling. 

So, when my husband unpacked this book "Channeling - How to reach out to your Spirit Guides " we both ran to read it first, excitedly taking it home to practice some of the exercises. 

Before I share our experiences, I want to clarify what channeling is, and that everyone can and does do it. 

Channeling is when you are meditating and tuning into higher realms by connecting with a high-level spirit guide or your higher self or a higher vibration and the messages that you receive are always from a still space of higher consciousness which is shifting your mindset to achieve this expanded state. Sorry about the excessive use of the word ‘higher’ !

To do this, you need to get your thoughts out the way and become the vessel to bring the higher energies through, the messages you receive usually don't sound like you and have a very different variation of grammer and come from a different perspective to help you with any challenges or obstacles to move beyond your fears and doubts. 

Channeling is when we feel a flow of energy when we are being creative in writing, playing music or dancing, It's an exhilarating feeling that we are connecting to something greater than ourselves, an expansive feeling that perpetuates more spaciousness to continue creating. We’ve all done this subconciously at some point, and do so often when we feel happy and content.

Another form of channeling is Automatic Writing, where you write your conscious thoughts and when your conscious mind ( the chatter ) moves aside, different thought forms come from another entity that doesn't sound like you and speaks to you or you write through them, it's always loving and inspirational and when you read or listen it provides a different perspective on life. 

So, back to the book!

My first experience of channeling was quite an introduction, David and I used the candle technique from the book ( fixated, looking only into the centre of the flame ) and as we entered a state of simply just being, I began hearing words from an unfamiliar voice and the statements that came through were different to the way I would normally speak, then later some other gifts appeared like seeing silouhettes of people that I later understood to be spirit guides and then sometimes colour and images. When these voices came through to me, David would madly scribe what I was saying, trying to keep up with me, so we could go back and absorb the messages, which were always profound but clear and simple at the same time.

One night, about 30 years ago I had a message, I remember it as it was quite powerful and talked about Earth changes and I panicked and shut it down as I wasn't ready for the enormity of that sort of news. It's only in the last 10 years that I realized I could automatically channel when I met people who were having a difficult time and were open to looking for help. Sometimes I can't recall what I have said to a particular person as I am just a vessel when these messages come through. They are meant only for that person and often either understood instantly or sometime in the future, only by them. This is how spirit works with me, some people are messengers and sometimes not even aware they are doing it, or are they? 

Everyone's experience is different, my journey was initially for personal development which happened in my younger years which now has caught up to the present where I recognise that I am a psychic channel helping others discover their own purpose and path, which has become my life purpose.

The most rewarding thing about Channeling is that it is a wonderful way to self-empowerment when you follow the guidelines to connect, it is not about ego but a life skill that is there to help our own personal life journey and learning to trust ourselves, our intuition and be able to find solutions to issues and situations and become our own sovereign.  

Happy Channeling! 

Much love 


Great books to start with 

CHANNELING How to Reach Out to Your Spirit Guides by Kathryn Ridall Ph.D. 

OPENING TO CHANNEL How to Connect with Your Guide by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer


Choices! Which path will you choose?


Gratitude to Grace