Choices! Which path will you choose?

When this card of “Choices appears it has stirred up fear of the unknown for many of my clients. The card image shows the different hats we wear, the roles we play in our daily lives and what we choose to create in our lifetime. In truth we are free to change our story, narrative, at anytime.

When given a choice the thing is not to get caught unpin making a mistake. We sometimes go into overwhelm and anxiety and our mind steps into stop us. If this happens to you, connect to your inner world, feel into your heart and body which is your intuition. Ask yourself what it is you truly desire and use this as a stepping stone.

The more you learn to trust your intuition (it’s a muscle we learn to use), the flow of life will start to open up to you. When you make choice that is in alignment with you and not worrying what others may think, the Universe steps in and supports you and more synchronicities begin to appear.

It’s really about loving yourself, being kind to yourself and giving yourself permission to go ahead and follow the things you would love to do and be , and not wait for someone else’s approval.

In my own experience, when I felt joy in my heart moving to another place to live and followed it, everything fell into place, doors opened and I was surrounded by a warm hearted community.

Affirmation for the day !

“ I choose to create my reality”

This card “Choice” is from “The Sacred She Tarot Deck” by Ma Deva Padma, and in the traditional tarot it is the 7 of cups and belongs to the Water Element.

Wishing you a smooth day!

Liljana xx


Letting go of the past! What are you willing to let go?


Channeling anyone?